

Yesterday Governor Mark Gordon texted Wyoming attempting to trick voters into believing President Trump endorsed a slate of legislative candidates. The simple fact is President Trump has endorsed one candidate for the Wyoming legislature- Darrin Smith. What’s notable here is that Governor Gordon endorsed AGAINST President Trump in that race. The voters of Wyoming deserve better than deception from their own Governor who appears to be attempting to buy himself a favorable state legislature to push his east coast, elitist
Wyoming, people know what’s best for their state better than Mark Gordon. Refuse to let him buy the legislature this election cycle.

Legislature Should Convene a Special Session – “Governor VETOED”

SF0054 – Property tax exemption House vote: Aye 61, Nay 1 Senate vote: Aye 29, Nay 2
This legislation would have provided $220 million dollars in immediate tax relief to Wyoming citizens rather than keep it in the government coffers.
HB0125 Repeal of gun free zones House vote: Aye 54, Nay 8, Ex 1 Senate vote: Aye 22, Nay 7, Ex 1…SEE DETAILS
UPDATE 3/31/2024: I am proud of the Wyoming Senate for voting in favor of a special session. It is unfortunate for the citizens of Wyoming that there will be no special session due to the House vote. From the beginning, the presiding officers have tried to sabotage this effort. See the vote count below.
The Official or Digital Ballot Total is:
    Senate: 16 “Aye” Votes; 15 “No” Votes;

    House: 27 “Aye” Votes; 35 “No” Votes.

Final Bill Summary 2024

..See Details

End of Budget Session

On Friday, the Wyoming Legislature gaveled out of the 67th Budget Session. My focus this session was on Wyoming families, fiscal restraint and ensuring the policy we develop stays true to our Wyoming way of life. That is why, during these 20 days in Cheyenne, I have been focused on energy policies surrounding the regulation of C02, reining in government spending, providing property tax relief and ensuring our strong conservative values are reflected in the bills passed into law..

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Fiscal Accountability, Personal Liberties Are Priorities in Wyoming Senate

As the Wyoming Legislature approaches the end of the 67th Budget Session, legislators are working hard to reach a budget agreement. It’s been a tumultuous process. After joint deliberations, the Senate and House bills are still about $900 million apart, at the time of this writing. The gap owes to the House’s ask for some $362 million of increased spending, on top of the $10.8 billion initial budget proposal, and the Senate’s focus on reducing spending by more than $750 million.

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Sponsored Bills:

SF0101 – Low-carbon energy standards-repeal
SF0102 – Foreign property ownership

GOA is proud to endorse Cheri Steinmetz for Senator in Wyoming’s 3rd Senate District.

Senator Steinmetz is a veteran of many battles to protect and defend the Second Amendment.

Over the last several years, Cheri has stood tall as a defender of Constitutional Rights. She co-sponsored Wyoming’s 2018 Stand Your Ground Law, and she has consistently voted for pro-Second Amendment legislation including concealed carry expansion, firearms industry nondiscrimination, and Second Amendment Protection Acts.

When describing the Second Amendment, Steinmetz said, “….It protects life, liberty, and property….the right to own, carry, possess, and use firearms lawfully without infringement.”

Steinmetz scored 100% on GOA’s candidate survey, which serves as a “contract” for our members. Furthermore, Cheri passed all other aspects of our rigorous evaluation process including a careful review of a candidate’s history and beliefs…more

As a mother and now a grandmother, I am concerned and committed to changing the direction of our State and Nation. Unfortunately, we’ve had our taste of Washington politics in Wyoming. We are suffering the effects of “Establishment” Republican leadership overspending and lacking accountability. We must elect public servants across Wyoming dedicated to the people and the Constitutions. The only legitimate power of government is to protect unalienable rights. It is the responsibility of the State to check the power of the Federal government when overreach occurs.

We must elect strong leaders with the courage and vision to lead us into the future. Leaders who understand that true wealth comes from strength of character, individual responsibility and the value of things that cannot be bought or sold.

The rarest commodities that truly stabilize an economy are not sold on the stock market, they are honesty, integrity, hard work, generosity, love of God, family, community and country. Government is instituted for the people, to secure their rights, provide for their defense and to protect their prosperity. In these turbulent times, we must remind ourselves of our common history and the noble goals which unite a nation, these are the things that lead to sustained success and prosperity.

For me, serving in the state legislature is all about people. I do this job for my children and yours, for my grandchildren and yours. I want them to have the same freedom, personal responsibility and opportunities that we were all blessed to receive from those who came before us.

To quote Ronald Reagan— “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

My bill sponsorship and voting record reflect my commitment to traditional family values, private property rights, fiscal responsibility and the Constitution. As we embrace the future, Wyoming must remain a business and family friendly State where we honor the foundations on which our faith, freedom and prosperity rest.

Larger government equals less individual freedom and prosperity. In the 2018 session, the budget required approximately $1.154 billion dollars more than what the State received in revenue.  Roughly $701 million of the funds used to resolve the shortfall were one time dollars spent from savings and reversions from other unexpended funds.  We must address the structural budget deficit without increasing taxes.