Articles of Interest:
Articles to help educate the public unaware of the impacts government has on our day to day lives…

Medicaid Expansion:“Medicaid was designed as a safety net for our nation’s poorest and sickest people,” Rep. Joe Pitts, R-PA, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, said during a hearing on March 18, 2013. “States are already struggling to serve this core population. “Increasingly, doctors simply can’t afford to treat Medicaid patients. Is it fair that the president’s health care law will force millions of disabled and sick Americans to compete with able-bodied 25-year-olds for appointments with those doctors who will still see them?” The impact this has had on States and the Medical Industry has been catastrophic… Read More
The Budget Problem – Conservative Republican legislators repeatedly warned Governor Mead and the leadership in the Legislature about overspending. CREG repeatedly warned about collapsing revenues. The Governor and Leadership ignored all warnings and kept spending: Read More