Budget Comparisons

During the interim LSO, Legislative Service Office, prepared a research document for me which provides a “snapshot” of State Government by comparing what Wyoming General Fund Agency Budgets looked like the last time revenues were at similar levels to those we face currently.

The comparison includes:

  1. 2001-2002 budget when revenues were $1,576,829,971
  2. 2003-2004 budget when revenues were $1,985,784,731
  3. 2017-2018 budget when revenues were projected to be $2,669,000,000

It is worthwhile to note that even with the reduced revenues we:

  1. Saved $176,704,728 in the 01-2002 biennia
  2. Saved $31,466,078 in the 02-2003 biennia
  3. While in a similar revenue climate the 2017-18 budget spends from the LSRA, (Least-squares Regression Analysis).

Last Modified on December 28, 2018
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