State Senator Cheri Steinmetz Seeks Re-election

LINGLE, WY – I will seek re-election for Wyoming State Senate District 3, which includes Goshen, Niobrara, and Weston Counties, in the upcoming Republican Primary election on August 16th

Clearly, challenges lie ahead and we are equal to them. As a free people we have the responsibility to decide what kind of country we will live in, what society we will tolerate, and what legacy we will leave our children, grandchildren and all yet to come. As Americans we also have the ability to act upon those decisions. Has there ever been a better time to return to the roots of our Republic, defend our freedom, or unify as One Nation Under God?  Now is the time and we are the people. Like you, I want to make sure Wyoming remains a State where we defend the foundations on which our faith, freedom, and prosperity rest. Our children, our families, our way of life, and our State are worth fighting for.

The last four years have been trying. We have endured the Goshen Irrigation District (GID) tunnel collapse, a widespread drought, the COVID 19 worldwide pandemic, the impact of COVID mandates, the effects of bad policies coming out of Washington D.C., inflation, and increasing unrest in America and around the world.  In response we, as a community, have become more informed, more involved, and more concerned about the direction of our State and Country. 

Wyoming has held two special sessions: the first to appropriate the CARES Act funding, and the second to deal with the federal COVID vaccine mandate, along with increased committee work and the regularly scheduled sessions. In the latest session – the 2022 budget session – the Legislature dealt with the state budget, redistricting, and appropriation of the American Recovery and Prosperity Act (ARPA) funds.  In short, we have nearly become a full-time legislature due to the ramifications of the government response to COVID 19.  Could it be that we have had about all the “help” from the government that we can stand? We seem caught in a Groundhog Day cycle where each attempt to rectify a situation, like a game of dominoes, causes another unintended consequence for which someone will pay a price.  I trust we can solve our own problems when government functions in its proper role to protect life, liberty, and property.

My husband Corey and I have been fortunate to live in Goshen County for most of our lives. We have intentionally raised our family and built our businesses here among family, friends and neighbors.  We have a deep appreciation for the independent rural way of life, small communities and the land.  I thank all of you in Goshen, Niobrara and Weston Counties who placed your trust in me to serve in this office. My leadership, bill sponsorship, and voting record in the legislature reflect my commitment to God, the Constitution, traditional family values, private property rights, and fiscal responsibility. I will continue to hold these shared values and to be accessible, avaIlable, and accountable to you, my constituents. At this time, God willing, I will commit to serve for four more years should you choose to re-elect me. I will do my best to represent the entire District in a fair and consistent manner.  Should you wish to reach me directly, please email me at, or call me on my mobile phone at (307) 534-5342.